Retirement …??


You should, you need, Retirement!

You should do this, or you should do that,
Take your pills and slip, slop, slap,
Hurry up now and take up your hat,
And wipe your feet now, out on the mat!
Get up that ladder as for months it’s stood,
At the back of the house near the pile of wood,
‘And when that’s done,’ she sternly muttered,
Perhaps we’ll have some nice clean gutters,
And don’t forget those broken shutters!
As for the subject, of the pile of wood,
You need to kill those ants for good,
Before they start on the house to knawe,
And a white-ant contractor will leave us poor!
When your down at the garden shed,
Get the fertiliser for the garden bed,
Use it sparingly for an even spread,
As I don’t want anything that comes up dead!
Wash and polish the outdoor deck,
We don’t want visitors to think it’s a wreck,
And when you’ve finished and have a few secs’
Clean and wash my favourite pet.
Mow and slash the back of the block,
We don’t want the shire to give us a shock,
Mind the small stones and the big hard rocks,
As fines for neglect, the shires red-hot!
Now if you think, because you’re retired,
And believing you’re feeling worn and tired,
Let me tell you of my desires,
To have a house that our friends will admire!
So now I’m hiding in the dunny,
Dreaming of fishing, on a day that’s sunny,
Or a course that’s long and green,
While my wife keeps telling me, that I’m Mean!

This post proudly presented by Liz & John’s Seven Day Pet Grooming Service