Contributors to blog…

The following people are regular contributors to the publication of this blog:

Alan Philip (Retired), Background: banking and business.  Interested in the restoration of old motor vehicles and local development.

Rob Moseley (Retired), Background: Mechanical engineering. Interested in horse racing industry.

Simon Beatie (Retired), Background: Mining and Transport. Interests include restoration of old motor vehicles and motor cycles. Member of the Ulysses Motorcycle Club.

Gary Lymn (Retired), Background: Taxation, Social Security. Interested in luxury cars, sport and volunteer work.

Bruce Glover reporting:


Bruce Glover (Retired), Background: Airline Pilot -see for reports during the Kalamunda ‘Cougars’ Football Clubs season. Bruce is a passionate supporter of the club and details the ‘Plays of the Day’ in the Cougars games during the football season.


Ben Harffey reporting:

Ben ‘BBQ’ Harffey, Background: Electrician, now managing at BBQ Bazaar for Rod Betts, leading sponsor of the Pickering Brook Football Club. Ben writes the Ben Harffey Report for the Pickering Brook ‘Hawks’ Football Club that can be found in the menu section of this blog under ‘This Weeks Topic’ and the Pickering Brook Index.


Alex Haight, Reporting

Alex Haight a Life Member of the Kalamunda ‘Cougars’ Football Club, has recorded the history of the clubs events in facebook for many years. We have his permission to include his facebook reports in this blog, found in ‘This Weeks Topic’ and in the pages of the Alex Haight Index.