‘Yes ‘er No, I dunno!

“The Voice”
Gurrah asked his father Gooramal, about the Yes and No,
As his cousin Freddie said it was a featured TV show,
And one might win some money, do you think this could be so?
Co’s I’m a bloody good singer and would love to have a go!
His father scratched his head and said,
The Voice is for the ‘pollies’ son and they’ll put on a show,
Talking round and round in circles, where they finish nobody knows,  
As for a song on a TV show, I’m sorry, I dunno!
 The ‘Voice’ said Auntie Aggie, was to stop the ‘Yeah and the Nah’,
She said they talk a lot of rubbish, with their blah, blah, blah!
The language used by sporting stars, and it really had to go,
As the trashing of the English  language was a true tale of woe!
When Gooramal was down the pub and asked his life-long mate,
What the hell this Yes and No was and would it affect their fate,
His mate replied it’s the usual No, whenever you ask for a raise,
Or when you ask your wife for sex and Noooo! is in her gaze!
The barman said it’s a new pub rule to stop excessive drinking,
And to stop the life expectancy of the local people shrinking.  
Then the local lawyer at the bar said I’ve done some extensive thinking,
It doesn’t matter what they think, you’ll feel your wallet shrinking!
Then the local ‘Polly’ full of froth, joined in the conversation,
He was always full of bluff and blunder and in his estimation,
The only Yes was a voting slip, that extended his seats duration!
Then a travelling salesman came in from his car,   
And joined the conversation with these blokes at the bar,
Saying that changing the constitution was a bridge too far,
And would destroy indigenous people, it’s a true exploding star!
Well, the Yes/No question became bandied around  the town,
And included all the parishioners who were feeling quite let down,
Until their local priest told them, that they would be found,
A nice seat in Heaven for all earthly bound,
Who prayed to rid the Earth of this dreadful Yes/No sound! 
So, when Gooramal came home that day, to talk with his son,
Regarding ‘the question’ that had started out in fun,
He realised that nobody, under the hot Australian sun,
Had any idea on how, the the Yes/No ‘Voice’ would run!
