Strategy #23 Kill the Rooster to Frighten the Monkey… 杀鸡儆猴

Kill the Rooster to Frighten the Monkey…

There is an old story in China, where monkeys were kept as pets and if they misbehaved their trainer would kill a rooster in front of them, to demonstrate what could become of them if they didn’t behave!

It is now well known how much the Chinese Government values its international image.

During the Tiananmen Square demonstrations in May 1989, the government forced C.B.N. to unplug their news broadcasting to silence it. This was after some elements of the Chinese press actually joined the demonstrators.

There can be no doubt the Chinese Government will do the same again, if the situation in Hong Kong does not improve.

Like Tiananmen Square the government will use much more extreme methods in dealing with the domestic press.

Will the Western press become the rooster again in this instance and will the same strategy; the imprisonment of the protestors at Hong Kong be the warning for the people of China?

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