Have the Emperor’s plans failed?

Have the Emperor’s plans failed?

‘Now is the winter of our discontent,
Made awful by the Emperor’s vent,
Re messages from ‘down under’, respectfully sent,
To help with the disease and all that it meant!
 So our Emperor and his servants chose,
That the minions, there in ‘down under’ pose,
Annoyance and nuisance to our communist show,
And be taught a lesson that would deliver a blow,
To silence their presence and stop them grow!
So, our coal, lobsters, wine and crops, as we know,
Are missing this winter that has plenty of snow,
And the cost of our heating has steadily grown,
With loss of our comfort, that has caused us to groan!
Have our Emperor and servants made a mistake?
In setting the punishment for our down under mates,
Because shortages and hardship will certainly grate,
And finally land at the Emperors front gate!
Now Sun Tzu said, ‘If you know yourself, but not your enemy’,
‘Your loss in battle will surely be plenty’,
But knowing ‘Down Under’ is not our enemy,
Why aren’t we living in the land of the plenty?
The Weekend Australian. p 32, February 6-7, 2021 - Despite price falls, Chinese are hanging on to Australian apartments. Robert Gottliebsen

 This rhyme is dedicated to the Kalamunda Hotel, proud sponsors of the Lesmurdie-Mazenod Cricket Club.

  43 Railway Road Kalamunda WA 6076  Telephone: (08) 9257 1084  kalamundahotel.com.au