The Death of Democracy
‘Attention all Meatheads let’s get our way,
Let’s ignore all authority and what they say,
Their democratic decisions we’ll refuse to pay,
Or heed to the constitution, it’s had its day!
Their political engagement, the results you’ll see,
We’ll abandoned in favour of, Me, Me, Me!
‘Let’s have some action, let’s have some force,
The end justifies the means, this is the source,
Ignoring the implications and pursuing our course,
To hell with consensus and constitutional talks!
We’ll support the followers of Donald Trump,
Or the Extinction Rebels on the British front,
Or closer to home in the Sydney stunts,
And don’t forget Melbourne, and the Covid fuss!
Let’s bully and disrupt until they submit,
As resorting to persuasion is completely unfit,
Let our ideology now completely unzip,
The power of governments, who give us the pip!
Attention all people of intelligent thought,
Will the meathead mentality continue with force?
Will changing democracy become their course?
As the path from democracy is smooth and fraught,
Ignoring the values of which we’re taught,
Allowing communism or nationalism, another new source?
Hett’s gifted storytelling and his portraits of feckless politicians show how fragile democracy can be when those in power do not respect it. He offers a powerful lesson for today, when democracy once again finds itself embattled and the siren song of strongmen sounds ever louder.
This rhyme is dedicated to Seven Day pet Grooming Services, proud sponsors of this blog and supporters of the Kalamunda ‘Cougars’ and the Pickering Brook ‘Hawks’ Football Clubs.