Cougars back in third spot …

Round 12, Kalamunda V’s Jandakot at Ray Owen Oval

The Cougars would have been favored this match at the ‘Fortress’ as they had been in good form leading up to this round and were sitting in 4th position compared to 8th by the Jets.

Despite winning by 37 points against the Jets in round three this season Coach Bolton would have stressed the need for 4 quarter concentration in this encounter to secure 4 game points.

This was achieved in the first quarter when the Cougars through a winning ruck led by Cormac White, offered forwards Jackson Bowen and Joel Peters the opportunity to kick 5 goals before the jets could get on the board with a goal.

Cormac White gaining ascendency over Jarren Colpitts in the first qtr.

The second term saw the Jets steady and provide a contest by kicking 3.4 to the Cougars 3.2 who may have thought this game was going to be an easy one to win!

Coach Bolton may have had something to say about this at half time as he encouraged his charges to stick to their game plan, despite leading by 28 points.


Joel causing some stretching!


To their credit in the third term, through the efforts of Ben Hollman, Max Fasolo and skipper Trent Pottinger, the Cougars reclaimed the ascendency using the middle of the ground allowing Josh Harris, Cristiano, Paduano and Jackson Bowen to score. Ben Holman was also rewarded with a goal for his heavy-duty work!

At the beginning of the final quarter the cougars led by 39 points and the outcome of this match was looking positive for the Cougars.

This view was borne out in the final term with the Cougars kicking 6.2 to the Jets single point to win by 76 points!

This win has propelled the Cougars into 3 position on the PFL C1 ladder  representing a real threat to the top teams on the ladder, Cockburn lakes and Swan Athletic.

Final scores: Kalamunda; 18.10 – 118, Jandakot; 6.6 – 42.   

 Best players: Ben Holman, Jackson Bowen, Joel Peters, Trent Pottinger.

Coaches award: Conor Faulds.

Goals: Jackson Bowen 7, Joel Peters 4, Josh Harris 2, Ben Holman 2, Michael DeGasperis, Christiano Paduano and Trent Pottinger 1 each.

Other games in round 12

 C1 Reserves: Kalamunda; 5.7 – 37, Jandakot; 5.12 – 42

 IDC Colts: Kalamunda; 5.4 – 34, Jandakot; 6.5 – 41

C1 Ladies: Kalamunda; 2.2 – 14, Scarborough; 4.4 – 28

E2 Allstars: Kalamunda; 9.6 – 60, Brentwood Booragoon; 10.13 – 73

See This Weeks Topic – Alex Haight’s report: Round 12 milestone for Selena Grieves

Next C1 game: Round 13, Melville V’s Kalamunda, 2.30PM Saturday 6 July 2024 at Troy Reserve.

This post is dedicated to, Western Geotechnical, proud sponsors of the Kalamunda ‘Cougars’ Football Club.

Western Geotechnical strive for excellence and have built a quality team and a high-end laboratory testing environment to provide efficient and accurate testing for the Construction Materials market. Every process is designed to deliver one main output for our clients – Certainty