Cougars stung by the ‘Mossies’

Round 5  Mosman Park V’s Kalamunda @ Tom Perrot Reserve  

The Cougars would have been confident to win this match and hold their current position in 3rd place on the C1 ladder ahead of Mosman Park in 5th position. Coach Bolton was looking forward to this encounter as Mosman Park had won the C2 Grand final last and year was an unknown quantity.

From the first bounce the Cougars knew they were in for the fight of their lives as the Mossie’s kicked two quick goals from the middle demonstrating plenty of pace which caught the Cougars off-balance.

It took them well into the quarter before they regained their composure with 2 goals from Josh Harris and one from Trent Pottinger, who showed the physical attributes the team would need to win. The term finished with both sides kicking 3.1

The second quarter became an arm-wrestle with both teams struggling to break free from stoppages brought about by fierce tackling and spoiling.

The Mossies gained a slight advantage during this quarter Kicking 3 goals to the Cougars 2.2 This was brought about through their use of handball to a free player off the pack who relieved pressure.

Coach Bolton would have been concerned at half time that the Cougars disposal was inaccurate, due to the pressure the Mossie’s were applying and the lack of body blocking to protect the ball carrier. Effective communication also appeared to be lacking during this quarter.

In the third the Mossie’s began to ‘swarm’ creating plenty of problems for our backs Ethan Faulds and Ethan Olsen, who began battling odds of two to one to keep them out. Ben Dupont at half back was outstanding with his determination to stop their attack, however it was apparent that the Mossie’s taller players were starting to gain ascendency, taking some strong mark’s and making life miserable for our backs.

Osborne Park held a slight lead of 2 points at the start of the final quarter with Jackson Bowen and Joel Peters contributing goals. However, the Mossie’s began to take charge in the continuing pack play, again with long handball to free players to kick 3.3 finally running out winners by 8 points.

The Cougars with this loss, have now slipped from the favored third position to fifth on the C1 ladder and will need to revisit and renew their coaches playing strategy, lost in this game.

Final scores: Mosman Park 11.5 – 71, Kalamunda: 9.9 – 63      

Best Players: Josh Harris, Trent Pottinger, Ben Dupont, Cristiano Paduano, Ethan Olsen

Goals: Josh Harris 5, Jackson Bowen, Joel Peters, Tyler Mouritz and Trent Pottinger 1 each.

Other results from round 5

B Reserves – Kalamunda: 11.11 – 77, Mosman Park: 2.4 – 16

E2 All Stars – Kalamunda: 11. 12 – 78, Cockburn Lakes: 2.3 – 15

Cougar C1 Ladies – Kalamunda: 8.10 – 58, Cottesloe: 00

IDC Colts – Kalamunda: 13.8 – 86, Manning: 4.6 – 30

See the Alex Haight Report in This Weeks Topic; 'Another Ladies Milestone'.

Next C1 game: Round 6, Kalamunda V’s Canning Vale 03.05PM, Saturday 11 May 2024 at Ray Owen Reserve.

This post is dedicated to, Western Geotechnical, proud sponsors of the Kalamunda ‘Cougars’ Football Club.

Western Geotechnical strive for excellence and have built a quality team and a high-end laboratory testing environment to provide efficient and accurate testing for the Construction Materials market. Every process is designed to deliver one main output for our clients – Certainty