Inaccuracy costs the Cougars …

Rd 17, Kalamunda V’s Swan Athletic at Ray Owen Oval

After winning the last three rounds the Cougars were full of confidence and ready to take on top side Swan Athletic who have been in good form since a slight stumble against Melville in round 11.

The Cougars were beaten by the Swans in round 8 by 20 points, having to make five changes to the team in the lead-up to the game, which upset their structure and balance.

The Cougars should remember their coaches comment after that game ‘We played Swans footy, not Cougars footy’, this should be rectified on Ray Owen Oval!

As predicted, this game turned into a titanic struggle from start to finish with players from both sides throwing themselves into the fray to gain any sort of advantage with close checking and hard tackling.

The evidence of this was reflected in the score with only one (1) goal being kicked in the first quarter in fine sunny conditions by the Cougars.

By half time nothing much had changed with the two sides locked in fierce combat striving to kick ever elusive goals! The scoreboard at half time was a dismal affair showing Kalamunda 2.6, Visitors 1.6

The deadlock was broken to some extent in the third term when the Swans kicked 3.2 due to lapses in the Cougars communication and their desire to play the clubroom flank where the Swans taller players took decisive marks sending their players into attack.

The Cougars managed to kick a goal through Dustin Brown in the third, however they struggled to get the ball over their half forward line during this quarter allowing the Swans to lead by a goal.

The Cougars came back in the last quarter to take the lead through goals from Jackson Bowen and Trent Pottinger only to see their lead lost in the final minutes of the game when an errant kick from defence saw Swans Cam Symonds mark and convert to win the game by 5 points!

The Cougars had their chances to win this game, however our usually reliable forwards missed vital set shots at goal during the match and no doubt will be practicing conversion in the lead-up to next weeks game against Cockburn Lakes.            

Final scores: Kalamunda; 5.10 – 40, Swan Athletic; 6.9 – 45

Best players: Trent Pottinger, Jack Jago, Bret van Groningen, Blake Boys.

Coaches award: Ben Dupont.

Goals: Trent Pottinger 2, Jackson Bowen 1, Dustin Brown & Leo Lambert 1 each.

Special Mention: Josh Touchell and associates!

Other games in round 17

 C1 Reserves: Kalamunda; 8.4 – 52, Swan Athletic;8.9 – 57

 IDC Colts: Kalamunda; 8.5 – 53, Swan Athletic; 5.4 – 34

C1 Ladies: Kalamunda; 0.4 – 4, Forrestdale; 6.3 – 39

E2 Allstars:  Wembley; 7.5 – 47, Kalamunda; 3.10 – 28

See This Weeks Topic – Alex Haight’s report: Casey Snowden 50 games.

Next C1 game: Round 18, Cockburn Lakes, V’s Kalamunda, 01.55 PM Saturday 10 August 2024 at Anning Park.

This post is dedicated to,  The Lesmurdie Club proud sponsors of the Kalamunda ‘Cougars’ Football Club.