Kill the Chicken to frighten the Monkey! 杀鸡儆猴

Kill the Chicken to frighten the Monkey …

With our China contacts frozen and our exports under siege,
Attention is now forthcoming from countries overseas,
As the ‘wolf warrior’ diplomacy, now plain for all to see,
Has a level of escalation, at speed that’s hard to believe!
Now the CCP diplomacy, rattling our economy to the core,
Our complete dependence on their nation has finally made us poor,
As  finding alternative markets, will be very hard to score,
As we’ve been dealing with a nation, that defies International law.
How do we manage to salvage this, with our dignity still intact?
How do our experts manage this, with care and cautiously react?
Can we find the middle ground in becoming more exact?
 And how do we get along and stand up to, these communist party acts?
 Ours a self-respecting sovereign country committed to the law,
Is now suffering the defiance of declared economic war,
With no regard for human rights, that effects their countries poor,
With the Uyghur’s bearing the brunt of this, with detention at its core.
How do our ‘experts’ deal with this, including the China Sea,
Added to this, put Hong Kong on top and their struggle to be free,
With protective trade and industrial policy, discrimination for all to see!
But the reasons for this, is we’ve been remis, and China holds the key!
They didn’t like what Turnbull said in 2017,
With his undue Chinese influence bill, a target for all to see,
Then heavy-handed security raids, on homes in our land of the free,
Targeting Australian Chinese journalist’s, the results are yet to be!
Then our ‘pollies’ channelled comments from the US Secretary of State,
Mike Pompeo’s horrible rhetoric, re our Aussie-Chinese mates,
Then our ‘pollies’ leading world-wide efforts, to shut the telecom gate,
With Huawei facing foreign restriction, the author of their fate.
So for now our recent entreaties for diplomatic stands,
Have been promptly trashed and binned, by the communist party hands,
Their response of course, devoid of force, however typically bland,
Citing SCOMO wanting a Covid inquiry, an insult to Chinese plans!
Now the ‘rooster has been killed to frighten the monkey’ and this just makes us sad,
Have we become an easier target now POTUS has been gagged?
Because President Xi dubbed us ‘deputy sheriffs’, flying the US flag,
So, will we cop some heavier punching as our economy starts to lag?
Analysis of this problem points the way to the solution, for both Australia and others whom China might similarly target. Getting out of the hole will not be quick or easy, but it can be done, by following some guidelines - more to come. See also: Strategy #23 in the 36 Strategies in The Art of War (Menu this blog)

This Rhyme is dedicated to Village Pizza, proud sponsors of the Lesmurdie Mazenod Cricket Club

35 Sanderson Road, Lesmurdie WA 6076

Dine in or take away – 9291 4444