Breaking the boredom barrier …

The key to successful football outcomes when coaching young men is to ‘break the boredom barrier’, that is to ensure all players enjoy what they’re doing throughout the whole season.

This can be a very difficult task as most players start the season full of enthusiasm then start to taper off during the middle of the season when the weather is bad and they’re nursing injuries and soreness.

Experience shows that players when confronted with boring training routines and losing streaks tend to take the easy way out and find excuses not to train.

Players who are inspired and involved in interesting training maintain their fitness throughout the season and have reduced levels of injury.

Involving the players in a program designed by their own peers (leadership group) will ensure they take responsibility for their own activities thus breaking the ‘boredom barrier’ leading to the next stage of their development.


This page is dedicated to Gooseberry Hill Cellars, proud sponsors of the Pickering Brook football Club.

169 Railway Road Gooseberry Hill WA 6076   Telephone: (08) 9293 1101