‘The Buck Stops Here!’

The Buck Stops Here !!!

“I’m the most powerful person on this planet,
And while I’m your President, you sure won’t regret it,
The ‘Buck Stops Here’ and so does the pandemic,
So vote for me and you can all forget it!”
“Don’t listen to Joe who thinks he knows,
He’s been Vice President for a number of shows’
And unlike me, selling a future that glows,
He’s all fake news about tomorrow you know!”
“Seven years as Vice President would have stifled his ideas,
In dealing with staffers and advisors you see,
And for dealing with leaders on the World-Wide stage,
His limited experience will be impossible to gauge”.
“So take it from me and see it my way,
The master of political chaos and outright rage,
Never bound tomorrow by what I say,
So vote for me and you know I’ll stay!”
“I’m the best President yet in the old USA, 
And we’ll all be better off in the States today, err-yesterday
Or whenever! ”


This page is dedicated to the Hills Orchard Group proud sponsors of the Pickering Brook Football Club.

Contact: Bruno DelSimone,  9293 7152   hoig.org.au