The essence of strategy (and strategy is central to the success of any enterprise) is the ability to surprise an opponent, to be under estimated, to be better prepared or to be quickly adaptable to changes be they good or bad.
Modern coaching requires the integration of information from a wide variety of sources, internal and external, expert and pragmatic. The true quality of a coaches’ strategy lies in ingesting and digestion all information and knowing how to listen and utilise a variety of resources.
Lao Tzu the Ancient Chinese philosopher – Warring states period (772 – 221 BC) was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.
He believed in:
- never revealing too much for there is value in having something in reserve.
- Be willing to act decisively when your judgment determines it.
- Plan to deal with the worst possibilities and know your enemies well.
- Know when to withdraw to fight another day, and when committed, pick your time to fight.
- Listen to advice; never stop listening but reserve your Judgement, and use your power wisely – avoiding excesses.
Condensed from: Chu, Chin-ning: The Asian Mind Game: unlocking the hidden agenda of the Asian business culture; a westerner's survival manual, AMC Publishing 1988
This page is dedicated to Grasstrees Australia proud sponsors of the Pickering Brook Football Club.
670 Welshpool Rd East, Wattle Grove, Western Australia. Contact Tom Leeder PHONE: (+618) 9359 1443 FAX: (+618) 9359 1443