The Stab in the Back! …

“We’re going to make America Great Again”

‘What’s this you say POTUS, that Zelensky is to blame?
Not Vladimir who invaded his country and caused the grief and pain,
The largest conflict in Europe, since Hitlers World War slain.
‘We wonder why you flatter Vladimir and what you seek to gain?
By now we know your basic tactic is to seek another deal,
To make America great again and to do this, you will steal,
By riding rough over everyone, regardless of how they feel,
And payback through Ukraine’s resource’s, demanded with great zeal.
Now POTUS with his henchmen, had  Zelensky put to one side,
Ignoring the leaders in Europe, as he passed them all on by,
And meeting with a Russian Dictator, to be taken for a ride,
To the worry of all of Europe, now completely mortified!

The meeting in the White House … 

‘I want this war to be over’ cried POTUS in loud refrain,
And talk of reparations, you’ve got to be all insane,
As Zelensky, he has started this, and he’s the one to blame,
And I’m the one to solve all this, and I will reap the fame!
‘A security guarantee for Ukraine, Zelensky you’re insane!
 Who the Hell do you think you are, get back aboard the plane,
You know I trust shrewd Vladimir, and his carve-up of Ukraine,
So go away and stay away, until you find your brains!
So for now the POTUS, has abandoned Zelensky’s Ukraine,
With his usual bluff and bluster, ‘Make America Great Again’,
By dumping US alliances, we wonder what he gains,
But for the West and here in Australia, it could be lots of pain!

This post proudly presented by Liz & John’s Seven Day Pet Grooming Service

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