What the Elders know …

A culture lost to political power,
That’s what makes the Elders sigh.
There where the heat of debate is sour,
That’s what makes the Elders sigh,
Here where the earths young sons are seeking,
Endless trysts as their hopes are fleeting,
With loss of reason as they go on weeping,
That’s, what makes the Elders sigh.
Where lost hope and death have mated,
That’s what makes the Elders cry.
By losing their youth with dreams unfinished,
That’s what makes the families cry.
One more child in death and passing,
‘Why this? The crying community asking,
Of politicians who have been calmly basking.
That’s what makes the Elders cry.


This rhyme is dedicated to the young people who are no longer with us and their grieving families and community.

Twenty years ago, I was training indigenous people in a community justice program, designed by the late Ernie Bridge MLA.

The tragic death of a young, 15 year old aboriginal boy reported in the West Australian newspaper recently, reminded me of the terrible problems facing many indigenous families in our state.

Nothing has seemed to change since I was involved all those years ago.

Had Ernie Bridge obtained the support of our State and Federal government to bring an initiative called the Unity of the First People of Australia (UFPA) to fruition, many of these tragic events would not occur.

The problems indigenous people experience with health, housing, education and law and order would have addressed under the UFPA framework.

This post is dedicated to Knightcorp General Insurance Broking, proud sponsors of the Kalamunda Football club.

7/5 Mill Street, Perth WA 6000   1300 656 001   http://knightcorp.net.au