Is the Cure worse than the Disease?..

Is democracy a victim of this pandemic?
This is the burning question; Is the cure now worse than the disease?
And surely one for the government and not one answered with ease,
And have the Canberra bureaucrats, with advice they’ve now been sold’
Accepted the view of the medicos, that the public must now be told,
We must have harsher lockdowns and border restrictions twofold’
As a fatality rate of half a percent, is valued like pure gold!
Now trapped in our arms race restrictions, locked down in dysfunctional homes,
Prevented from travelling to loved ones, mental consequences will surely be sown,
With enforced social dislocation, and no job through no fault of our own,
Are we now creating a powder- keg, that may in the future be blown!
We are faced with a period of mourning as the pubs and the clubs are now closed,
Shut down with our social fabric now some of these questions are posed’
Where the hell did this virus come from and how long before it goes,
As were looking for light in the tunnel, and to get these dam masks of our nose!
My two-year old can’t have her party and the celebrant can’t bury my Dad,
Unless we restrict his mourners, a funeral interdiction and sad.
So all our time is spent in this lockdown, or worrying how to buy bread,
While our ‘Pollies’ keep shifting the goal posts, to save us from all being dead!
The Weekend Australian, March 28-29, 2020 p 16 ‘Time to decide if the cure is worse than the disease’ Janet Albrechtsen.

This page is dedicated to Koby Grant of KRG Contracting, proud sponsor of the Pickering Brook Football Club.

Contact: 0407 443 618