Whatever happened to common sense?

Whatever happened to common sense?

So you think you’re a ‘dinkum Aussie’,
Now you’ve raised your hand and proclaimed,
That you’ll love a sunburnt country and all you now have gained,
You’ve read about the ANZACS and how they came to fame,
To understand what an Aussie is, forged in toil and sweat and pain.
 So whatever has happened to the old ‘fair-go’ and a bit of common sense?
Or are we now a herd of people just sitting behind the fence?
Where selfishness and ego have put paid to common sense,
With a dramatic response to a crisis to restore a sense of self!
 So now upon reflection, do they curse with a sense of shame?
 That social – media outlets, are the cause of so much pain,
With their complete and blind addiction, this reason can now be blamed,
As they learn their life’s been ruined and how it will never change!

But cruel are the times, when we are traitors And do not know ourselves, when we hold rumour From what we fear, and yet know not what we fear Macbeth, IV.ii, lines 18-20

 This rhyme is in response to the comment by The Australian newspaper ‘Crikey’ columnist Bernard Keane on March 4 who tweeted, with reference to the rush on toilet paper buying, that ‘Australia is suffering a moronavirus not a coronavirus epidemic’. We don’t know why some people sought to stock up on a product which has no causal link with COVID-19    

This page is dedicated to Richie Hewitt of Boltmakers,  13 Clune Street Bayswater WA 6053, proud sponsor of the Pickering Brook Football Club  Contact: 9458 4588  https://au.linkedin.com