Its all gone Pear shaped …

It’s all gone Pear Shaped …

I have to ask questions, we as Australians have been manufacturing Holdens, Chryslers, Mitsubishis, Toyotas and Fords here for many decades. Now it seems without GM Detroit we’re no longer smart enough to build our own car. We build ships, now some politician in Canberra said we’re not fit enough to build a canoe, so the Spanish are building them for us.

Does anyone realise we no longer manufacture even the most basic tool man uses, a hammer in this country. We used to export many, many things to 70 countries all over the world, now we import everything. We used to make our own fuel and oil in Melbourne, Brisbane, in Sydney and other oil refineries around Australia, now we import all our fuel and have only 3 to 4 day’s supply so it looks like we can’t do that anymore.

Australians used to manufacture televisions, lawnmowers, radios, washing machines, fridges, tools, tyres, clothes, shoes, hats and in fact, three decades ago, just about everything was made in Australia.

Today even our flags and toy Koalas are made in China. It seems we cannot make a bloody thing. I walk into Australian souvenir shops everything, including Australian Army dress uniforms are made in China. It seems we have become so useless that we have to import trade skilled workers from other countries on 457 visas to fix our imported stuff, WHAT HAPPENED ???? Is it me or are we in deep shit in this country?

Lindsey Wilson to ‘Post Mark’ Restored Cars Magazine August-September, 2020.

The editor of Restored Cars Magazine added:

I recall in 1956, if you wanted to sell a television set in Australia it had to be made here. We need local manufacture for our security. The world is no safer today, everything arrives here in jumbo jets and container ships, the world’s biggest targets!! However, there are some of the products you mentioned made here, you can do an internet check to find them. Maybe when this virus pandemic is over, the world and hopefully Australia, will have a rethink. Ed.   

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