‘The Circle of Trust’ …

The ‘Circle of Trust’

‘Scomo’ sharpened his spear and sword,
And burst the bubble of the Canberra Lords,
His axe he took to the department chiefs,
And five heads rolled in a sea of grief!
‘Their era has ended’ ‘Scomo’ loudly swore,
The focus is on delivery, not their-talk fest lore,
These mandarins have fallen as their works so poor’
And for you who support them, there’s the door!
‘Come and join my circle; my Circle of Trust,
End the pin-striped brigade whom I’m about to bust,
It’s all about action with no regard for fuss,
As were certainly set on cleaning-up,
The old Canberra public service rust’!
The Weekend Australian, December 7-8, 2019 p 1 ‘Inside Morrison’s circle of trust’ Paul Kelly, Editor-At-Large

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